OK wait what’s going on here (plus the Week 4 NFL TV Schedule)

Look I saw the play that resulted in Mac Jones’ injury last week. He looked in pretty rough shape. Behold the pic above! He was in agony. First report was that it was an ankle injury and that he would miss some time. Then came the report that the Patriots only wanted him to miss four weeks whereas Mac was fine missing six to eight if that’s what it took for his ankle to come back to full strength.

Then all of a sudden, at a Bill Belichick press conference, he intimated that he Jones has made a lot of progress and might be able to return. Excuse me, what? He said Brian Hoyer would play if Mac couldn’t go. If? IF? This is ridiculous. He is going to miss at least a couple weeks. There’s no way he’s coming back until sometime later in October. So what is Billy Football trying to pull here? Is he trying to convince people that Mac might be back this Sunday? Why? It’s so ridiculous. I can’t stand his press conferences but the NFL media fucking love them because they lick his feet at every juncture. I get he’s the best head coach of this generation (and possibly all-time) but call out his bullshit when he’s bullshitting. Can we just do that?

Ugh. OK, enough of that. Let’s get on to the schedule for the week which may or may not be altered because of that asshole, Hurricane Ian.

American Networks

Buffalo at Baltimore1:00All affiliates (except Cleveland)
Cleveland at Atlanta1:00Cleveland
Seattle at Detroit1:00Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Detroit
Chicago at NY Giants1:00Minneapolis, Rochester, Watertown, Burlington
Washington at Dallas1:00Boston, Presque Isle
Arizona at Carolina4:05Buffalo
Denver at Las Vegas4:25Seattle, Spokane
New England at Green Bay4:25All affiliates (except Seattle & Spokane)

Canadian Networks

Buffalo at Baltimore1:00Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Northern Ontario, Kitchener, Toronto, Ottawa, AtlanticVancouver Island, Alberta
Jacksonville at Philadelphia1:00Ottawa
Seattle at Detroit1:00Vancouver, AlbertaLondon, Toronto
Chicago at NY Giants1:00MontrealTSN1, TSN4
Washington at Dallas1:00Atlantic
Arizona at Carolina4:05TSN1, TSN4
New England at Green Bay4:25Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Northern Ontario, Kitchener, Toronto, Ottawa, MontrealAtlantic
Denver at Las Vegas4:25Vancouver, Alberta

Primetime (and Morning!) Games

Miami at CincinnatiThursday, 8:20, Amazon Prime, CTV2, TSN1/4
Minnesota vs. New Orleans (in London)9:30 AM, NFL Network, ABC (Minneapolis), CTV, TSN4
Kansas City at Tampa Bay8:15, NBC, CTV2, TSN1/3/4/5
LA Rams at San FranciscoMonday, 8:15, TSN1/3/5

Bryan Hoyer-esque Comments

  • The ManningCast is here again and it will appear on TSN3. Also, I don’t have TSN4 listed but the Monday nighter will appear there at around 10:00 (or around the start of the third quarter).
  • CBS early game is one of two choices but they want most of the country to have Bills-Ravens. I don’t blame them. Would you prefer that or Browns-Falcons (sorry to the people who get their CBS affiliate out of Cleveland)?
  • The CBS late game follows the early game, at least up here. Most of the country will get the Patriots-Packers game which I’m sure most people will be happy with since they avoid watching Nathaniel Hackett try to coach football (although the Broncos are 2-1 so what the fuck do I know).
  • Games not being shown here in Canada (unless you have RedZone):
    • Tennessee at Indianapolis
    • NY Jets at Pittsburgh
    • LA Chargers at Houston
  • Oh god an early London game. I get trying to grow the game. I don’t think the British are as enamored with football as many want to believe but I digress. After staying up until God knows when the previous night/into the morning, I will miss at least the first half of this one, as I always do. Does the Berlin game start this early? Let me check…….
  • ……ok it’s not Berlin, it’s in Munich. My bad. Now Germans? They fucking LOVE football. The fact it took this long for the NFL to go there is honestly perplexing. Anyway, yes it’s a 9:30 AM start as well so I can’t see me watching the first half of that one either. Oh, and there’s another early London game next week. Fan-fucking-tastic.
  • Oh I’ve made sure to include Amazon Prime in the listings for the Thursday nighter and will do that from now on. I have Prime. I don’t watch it on Prime but maybe I should try it out and see how it is.

Hey let’s hope for more exciting games and chaos since that’s what the NFL has brought us so far this season. Scott Hanson is having a whale of a time doing RedZone because so much crazy stuff happens. It has been a ton of fun to watch. Could we see four weeks in a row of this insanity? I sure as hell hope so. Enjoy the games everyone!

Guess who’s back…

Back again. Bossman’s back. Tell a friend (who likes football).

That’s right I have finally decided to return to the ol’ blogosphere (do they still call it that). I’ve been off for about four months and it feels like it has been four years. Are things better for me? Meh. I guess. Now I feel I need a distraction again to keep me sane so it’s back to this thing. Not like much has happened in the football world since I was gone AW SHIT TOM BRADY DIDN’T RETIRE. Sometimes the offseason is much more entertaining than the actual season. But I digress.

I figured I would return by doing a little bit of research. I know what you’re thinking: when has this jagoff ever really delved into researching stuff? Well I have…every so often. OK not enough. Maybe this is part of my metamorphosis into a newer, better Bossman. Or, I just have a bit of time on my hands. Oh yeah, the research! I am going to research….me! More specifically my blog.

You see, over the years I have made demands or requests or said things I would like to see change about college football or the NFL. I don’t know how often I have followed up on those but I am going to venture a guess and say almost never. So I am rectifying that by going back into the vault to see some of the things I’ve said and update on what has happened with them. In some cases, quite a bit. In others, nothing at all. So strap in and let’s go on a journey…or more like one of those car trips where everything looks the same and you crave any new scenery or you’re going to veer off the road and crash into the guardrail.

August 13, 2013: I think it’s high time for them (Tulane) to move out of the Superdome and into a smaller stadium considering they wouldn’t be able to fill a Texas high school football stadium these days. First off, some Texas high school football stadiums are big. Like 10-20,000 seats big. And they damn near fill them! Insane. But anyway, this was my first, let’s call it request on this blog. And it worked! I don’t want to take credit for this but I am going to take credit for this. Tulane moved into on-campus Yulman Stadium one year after this comment. And they arguably get more fans in a stadium that, by all accounts, looks quite nice.

November 24, 2013: I still believe they need to cut down on the individual bowl tie-ins as there could be some somewhat unwatchable matchups come December that could be avoided with better flexibility. At the Power Five level, this has not changed and we could argue it has got a bit worse. At the Group of Five level, we now see a bit more flexibility with bowl bids. Some bowls just pick out of the G-5 conferences as a whole. And other bowls get a choice of two or three conferences. So it’s slightly better but really I was hoping there would be more at-large bids. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear.

October 15, 2014: I would say it makes the most sense to put all the ESPNU games, for example, on one channel throughout the day. Bell (and, presumably, Rogers) doesn’t think that way for some odd reason. And they still don’t. I don’t get it. It seems so easy but obviously someone in programming suffers from temporary brain damage when they are figuring out the schedule. IT’S THE SAME FUCKING THING FOR LIKE THIRTEEN WEEKS EVERY YEAR!

February 17, 2015: In OT, they should start farther back than the 25-yard line. Instead, the NCAA decided “Fuck it” and changed OT completely after the second overtime. That nine-overtime debacle between Illinois and Penn State should be proof that the new method is garbage. Should have listened to me guys. Even starting overtime from the 30 could have changed things radically since not many college kickers can routinely hit 47-yard field goals.

February 17, 2015: Stop time after EVERY first down makes the game a little longer than most can handle. Why they haven’t dealt with this I don’t know. There is no need for the clock to stop after a first down in the first or third quarters. You could make the argument that other than the final five minutes of either half you don’t need to either and I would be fine with that too. Shave about ten minutes off the average game? Sounds like a win for the college game if you ask me.

February 17, 2015: Three-hour TV windows are dumb. I was on a roll this day (although, to be fair, the whole point of this blog post was changed I’d make). And yes, whoever thinks these make sense are morons. I’m looking at you, ESPN, since you are the only ones that do it. Well, that isn’t entirely true. The ACC Network, for one week early on in the season every year now, does the same thing. It’s stupid. Just stop it.

July 6, 2015: TSN and Sportsnet both would be smart to stop the regional channel horseshit and make one channel a full news channel (a la Headline Sports way back in the day). This hasn’t happened and probably never will. Whether it should now is a matter of debate. I don’t know how many viewers Sportscentre and Sports Central get but it can’t be nearly as many as there were back in 2015. So to have a full sports news channel would still make sense but they would both have to restructure the way there channels operate (and, in Sportsnet’s case, talk to the NHL about the archaic blackout policy).

November 19, 2015: However, in my opinion, pretty much all FBS vs. FCS games should be in September (or August if the season starts then). I have softened my stance a bit on this. Buy games are necessary for FCS teams and I understand that. I still am not a fan of seeing these games in November but having them in October would be fine as well. With more conferences going to a 9-game conference schedule, I have a feeling there will be less of these games in November but we shall see.

August 4, 2017: Let’s be honest here: Conference USA is a hodge-podge bag of crap. If they were smart they would start talks with the Sun Belt to “create” two new conferences with more of a geographical natured to them. Oh this is one of my favourite blog posts of all-time. The amount of flack I got for this from Conference USA fans was hilarious. But look what happened. The conference is on the brink of disaster now because they did nothing, thinking they were even remotely special. Fucking dumb. So let them die. Many of the teams left for greener pastures and the rest…well, sorry for your damn luck.

November 20, 2018: I look forward, though, to balanced divisions in 2020, which I believe is the year the Atlantic Schooners begin play. Oh Bossman, what were you thinking? Forget adding a tenth team: almost every year it seems like one of the current nine CFL teams is in some sense of financial peril.

January 20, 2020: I agree there should be a holiday after the Super Bowl. Hasn’t even been discussed in the U.S. so no chance of it happening here yet. At least my plea for Daylight Savings Time to end might come to fruition!

August 3, 2020: If a division winner has a worse record than a Wild Card team, they should get the #5 seed and not the #4. I have said this in previous seasons when there were only two Wild Card teams but it goes the same now with three. You shouldn’t be rewarded for winning a shitty division with a bad record. You already get into the playoffs. That’s your reward. Same the other way as a really good Wild Card team shouldn’t be punished for having the audacity to be in a division with one of the best teams in the league. It’s dumb. And won’t be changed. Dumb owners and dumb Commissioner Gingerhammer.

December 17, 2020: I will say it again for the millionth time: why bother with the conference affiliation towards either CBS or FOX? It doesn’t matter anymore. Well look at that! They are finally getting rid of the completely archaic NFC-to-FOX and AFC-to-CBS way of broadcasting NFL games. It will now be a bit of a free-for-all which, honestly, is much better. You want the best games, at the best times, with the best available crew. Many times that didn’t happen in the past because of how things were done. Not anymore!

August 11, 2021: I still believe every team should have one road, one home and one neutral-site game during the preseason but that’s a conversation I’ve had many times before that no one wants to listen to. Naw, much better to have regular season games in London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Baghdad, rural Kazakhstan and the Maldives. And no bye week afterwards ya pussies!

Every time I did a post on if I ran the bowl games. Look, my plan would work. Or the various plans I’ve had over the years. Cut a few bowls and make it a 7-win minimum to be bowl-eligible for sure. Give as many games a national spotlight (which they almost do but they could be better at it). Put a few more games on non-ESPN networks (I don’t know when this will ever happen). And the selection show. It would work so much better and make that thing worth watching.

So there you go. I know I have made other requests or had other ideas but I think you get the picture…I’m not influential at all. Saying that, some of my ideas have come to fruition which makes me happy if not a tiny bit proud. Maybe in the next few years a few more of my ideas will come true and I will be a very happy Bossman.

Alright. First post back. Feels good. Shake the cobwebs off. I am goofing around with new themes for the site to see what works. So if you notice things changing from week to week, it’s probably my undiagnosed ADD.

It’s already June. Where does the time go? I guess that happens when the days start melting together and you have very little sense of time. Have a great rest of the week everyone.

Let Me Just Put This Here – Week 4 NFL Recap

AFC East

The Buffalo Bills are in the lead in the AFC East going into October.  I don’t want to even look back as to when the last time this happened was but I can probably safely say the year started with a 1.

OK this is going to be part rant/part recap since recapping NFL games seems to be a fool’s errand what with the 10,000 recaps out there to peruse (most of which would be better and more thorough than mine).  College football recaps are fewer and far between so doing those makes more sense.  Plus I watch more of those games (to the detriment of me doing anything on a Saturday in the Fall) so I have a better idea of what went on and don’t have to rely on highlights.

First rant: I miss NFL Primetime.  Chris Berman was so in his element and Tom Jackson was the perfect wingman for that exercise.  It really was the perfect highlights show for the NFL.  Football Night in America does an OK job I guess.  Better than the NFL Network’s chop job that they do.  What bugs me is that that show seems to be going well and then they will cut to an update of the Sunday night score and then go to commercial.  Then when they come back, it’s like they start the show over again.  It’s fucked.  Who approves that?  If they had more flow I would consider watching it since Steve Mariucci, despite the fact he can be a bit of an overzealous buffoon at times, is fun to watch because he’s so excited about EVERYTHING.

Hey did anyone notice that the spread last night was Kansas City -7.5?  Game is tied with less than 10 seconds to go.  KC hits the field goal.  Chiefs fans rejoice!  Then a fumble on the last play returned for a TD for a Chiefs 9-point win.  Which means a 99.99999999% chance of the Chiefs not covering went out the window in a snap.  That is the ultimate backdoor cover.  I am sure a lot of people are pissed this morning.

I know it’s only one month in but I think we can fairly say the Chargers are an absolute failure in Los Angeles from a fan and on-the-field perspective.  I am sure they are making more money in LA just because they’re in LA (the $100 parking passes help for sure) but the optics are terrible.  For a league that is going through a lot these days, the last thing they need is a franchise that looks like it is going to struggle mightily to make it with their fans.  I mean the Chargers are never going to have a home game.  There are more visiting fans there than Charger fans.  What a joke.

Can we safely say the Patriots defense is terrible?  Yes we can.  I have been hearing it all week.  “The Patriots are known for their slow starts every few years.”  “Don’t let them give you a false sense of security.”  These are two horseshit takes.  The Pats defense has NEVER been this bad.  Yes Stephon Gilmore deserves a lot of scorn for being overpaid for being terrible at his job.  But Matt Patricia deserves a big part of the blame.  They have talent.  They just can’t play defense.  Is it a scheme issue?  This team cannot keep letting up 30 points a game.  I mean Tom Brady’s good but even he has his limits.

The other positive surprise to start the season other than the Bills is the Los Angeles Rams.  It will be very interesting to see if the fans start to pack the LA Coliseum if this team is as good as they have looked so far this season.  We all knew Todd Gurley was a star.  But the rest of the team has been just as potent.  It would be nice to see a team other than the Seahawks win that division since the Niners suck and the Cards will disappoint me again this season.

Look, can we just relegate the Browns to the CFL and be done with it?  That franchise is a mess to put it lightly.  Nothing they do works.  Nothing.  Everything they touch turns to shit.  I don’t get it.  It’s like they’re cursed.  I don’t know what they have to do to fix it but someone better and quick.  At some point, Browns fans are going to stay away in droves, especially with two other REALLY GOOD pro sports teams in town.

Can we just end the London experiment?  It’s a joke.  Most of the games are terrible.  They look terrible on TV.  They send shitty teams (for the most part) to play there.  At least this time FOX sent one of their better crews (Kevin Burkhardt and Charles Davis) to call the game.  Problem is this: Smokin’ Jay Cutler is the QB for the Dolphins.  They were playing in London.  He was supposed to be in the broadcast booth this Fall.  With who you may ask?  Kevin Burkhardt.  Connect the dots and you can see Burkhardt taking subtle shots at Cutler during the game (which he fully deserves since he has been awful the past two games).  OK maybe there was a bit of entertainment in this London affair after all.  But seriously: want to have a game where the fans would be RABID with excitement?  Germany is not too far away and they fucking LOVE football.  Have a game in Munich or Berlin and watch how fast it sells out.

Alright enough ranting.  Here’s something amusing though.  If the playoffs started today (*giggle*), here is what it would look like:

1 Kansas City (AFC West) 1 Philadelphia (NFC East)
2 Buffalo (AFC East) 2 Detroit (NFC North)
3 Pittsburgh (AFC North) 3 LA Rams (NFC West)
4 Jacksonville (AFC South) 4 Carolina (NFC South)
  Wild Card Teams:   Wild Card Teams:
1 Denver 1 Atlanta
2 Oakland 2 Green Bay


I honestly believe the NFL would blow a gasket if these are the teams that would be in at the end of the season.  Jacksonville?  Philadelphia?  Buffalo?  Geez.  The only bright spot would be playoffs in Los Angeles.  And yes I know it is stupidly too early to predict this.  But I have to make myself smile sometimes, no?

College football schedule: Thursday.  NFL schedule: Friday.  If I am in the mood, a post for tomorrow.  Otherwise, nothing.  Now you know.  And knowing is half the battle……………………………………………………………………GI JOE!

Oh wait, one more thing…college football on Wednesday night!  And on TSN1 AND TSN3!  WOOOOOOOO!!!!!  Some Fun Belt action as Arkansas State visits Statesboro to face Georgia Southern.  Maybe the Eagles can pull off the upset.  Who knows?  And who cares!  It’s college football on Wednesday.  Just please don’t put Teddy Atlas in the booth.  PLEASE!

When you’re a shitbag – NFL Edition….oh and the Week 7 NFL TV Schedule


This isn’t news.  Some athletes are complete shitbags.  There, I said it.  This isn’t a new phenomenon, people.  This starts when these assholes are in high school and get praise for everything they’ve done and get no worse than a slap on the wrist for any wrongdoing.  They are treated like gods.  Then they go to college/university and, lo and behold, it continues.  No wonder some of these guys get to the pros and feel like they can do whatever the hell they want and get away with it: because they’ve already been doing it for years and the people who could have done something turn a blind eye because God forbid the local high school football team doesn’t make the playoffs because their best player is now suspended.  Wouldn’t that be a tragedy?

Besides, the NFL loves these guys right?  If they didn’t, they would make a bit more of an example of them.  I just hope one day, ONE DAY, they get it right the first time, suspend some asshole indefinitely because of something he did and then when a court of law determines that was the case, ban the fucker for life.  But that would be bad for business.  It’s just like the NFL’s quasi-disgusting selling of everything pink during Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Do you honestly think the NFL truly cares about breast cancer, breast cancer survivors, or a cure for ANY type of cancer?  Some do, most don’t give a shit.  They want money.  So they co-opt the campaign to make it seem like they are doing great when in reality, they want money.  Sure some of it goes to breast cancer research and in the end that is a good thing; however, the NFL (and many other big organizations) do this is as a PR move to try and overshadow the grimy bullshit that happens on a near weekly basis.  I’m not saying other leagues are better.  I love college football and I know a lot of players are fuckwads and the NCAA itself is a terrible organization.  But the NFL is quickly approaching FIFA as the worst sporting entity in the world.  They wonder why ratings are down?  That is one of the reasons for sure.

Phew!  That was long-winded.  Now on to the task at hand…the week 7 schedule.  Here it is followed by, let’s call it, “analysis.”  Yeah that works.


NY Giants vs. Los Angeles (in London) 9:30, CTV


Oakland at Jacksonville Seattle, Spokane, Minneapolis
Baltimore at NY Jets Burlington TSN2
Buffalo at Miami Buffalo, Rochester, Boston Northern Ontario, Kitchener, Toronto, Montreal, Atlantic
Cleveland at Cincinnati Cleveland
Indianapolis at Tennessee
Minnesota at Philadelphia Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Minneapolis, Rochester, Burlington, Boston BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Winnipeg, Ottawa CKPR, CHEX, CITL, CKWS
Washington at Detroit Detroit
New Orleans at Kansas City


New England at Pittsburgh All affiliates All affiliates (except Atlantic) Atlantic
San Diego at Atlanta Buffalo TSN2
Tampa Bay at San Francisco

Sunday & Monday Primetime

Seattle at Arizona Sunday, 8:30, NBC/TSN1/3/4/5
Houston at Denver Monday, 8:30, TSN 1/3/4/5


Vikings at Eagles – The entire country gets this game somewhere.  I just find it interesting that Sam Bradford is the quarterback of the only undefeated team left in the league.  And no Adrian Peterson.  It’s Bizarro-NFL.

Giants at Rams – Why doesn’t the NFL play a game in a country that is a true football hotbed?  I’m talking about Germany.  They fucking love football.  Hell, the Vikings even drafted a received out of there.  So why not have a game in Berlin or Munich?  Obviously Commissioner Gingerhammer desperately wants a team in London so he ignores the rest of Europe.  Good job there dumbass.

Bills at Dolphins – There is a distinct possibility that the Bills could be 5-2 and atop the AFC East by the end of Sunday.  Somehow Rex Ryan is becoming a Coach of the Year candidate.  We live in some weird times, people.

Patriots at Steelers – This tells you how much the NFL seems to be downplaying their primetime games.  The game of the week is EASILY this one, yet the Seahawks and Cardinals play the Sunday nighter.  Either the NFL is playing the long game and saving (for lack of a better word) chances to put on marquee games for later in the season or they are stupid.  I kind of think it’s the latter.

Redskins at Lions – Very few people will get this game (I will be) because only people who get FOX out of Detroit will see this.  Too bad since these are two teams known for being quite shitty playing some good ball and one of them will get an early leg up on a playoff spot with a win here.

Seahawks at Cardinals – Somehow, the Cardinals, playing horrible football, are 3-3 and a game and a half behind Seattle in the NFC West.  That’s how good and deep this team is.  If they get their act together, I could easily see them pulling off six or seven wins in a row and getting way out in front in their division.

Texans at Broncos – I would hope they would play that one Brock Osweiler meme of him getting his helmet to get in the game only to see Peyton Manning run on to the field and him visibly showing his disappointment.  Show it over and over on the scoreboard.  Elway should challenge him to a QB contest since I am sure he’s still got the stuff.  The Texans might end up winning the AFC South but it sure as hell will have less to do with Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrock Osweiler than with their stout defense because he has been mediocre at best under his new big contract that the Broncos refused to give him (and rightfully so).

So there you go.  The schedule in all its glory.  I am not doing any more gambling on the NFL because I am sick of losing money on games I am caring less and less about.  It is sad because other than a few games every week, I could do without watching the NFL other than highlight shows.  Take last night’s Bears-Packers game.  I watched maybe five minutes of it.  It was awful.  I feel it is becoming like the NHL in a way.  The NHL used to be a ton of fun to watch almost every night.  It was better than junior hockey in every way.  Nowadays, many games are slow and plodding and defensive and somewhat boring at times.  Junior hockey seems more exciting than the NHL.  I don’t know if this is just because of the style of play in the NHL or if junior hockey has become better.  The same comparison can be said for the NFL versus college football.  I am a bit biased since I am a huge college football fan but the NFL as a product is not as good as it once was.  I have outlined one reason above.  There are others.  The games in London are usually bad.  The teams that are usually sent there are not very good.  It makes no sense.  Maybe having football on Thursday night and Sunday morning is oversaturation of the product.  Who knows?  All I know is that my interest in the NFL is waning a bit and it has everything to do with the product as a whole (both on and off the field).

Alright, a few games in college football tonight including two late night affairs.  I didn’t make it to the end of the BYU-Boise State game last night (I PVRed the rest of it).  I tried but with work today there was no way I could get through with only about four hours sleep.  Not saying I don’t do that at other times but I try not to when work is involved.  Plus I was really exhausted.  Maybe the change in weather has a lot do with it.  Yesterday was dreary and today’s no better.  Rain is my least favourite weather.  I would take snow over this.  Plus football in the snow is much more enjoyable to watch (and even play) than football in the rain.  Football in the rain just looks awful.  Football in the snow tends to look hilarious.

As another aside, I will be live-tweeting for most of tomorrow (@LikeABauce1978 on the Twitter machine) because I am insane.  I mean I have to be to watch 14+ hours of college football right?  The only question is what shitty food will I eat and how much caffeine will I consume.  I love college football season!  Enjoy the games everyone!

Week 8 NFL TV Schedule – Sponsored by Kraft (not the good kind)



So I guess we know now that Robert Kraft is basically a spoiled brat. Not that it was really up for debate but I think last night confirmed it. Going on and on, yet again, about Deflategate and how beating the Colts would be sooooooo sweet. Look, Bob. We get that you have a great team, arguably the best in the NFL. There is a good chance you will make it to a Super Bowl and may even repeat as champs. I don’t think anyone denies that. The thing is, though, everyone has basically moved on from Deflategate. No one gives a shit about it anymore. I’m sure Tom Brady doesn’t even give a flying fadoo about it. It’s over. Stop bringing it up. All you are now is that asshole who keeps bringing up shit in the past to make himself feel good. You’re no better than a good portion of Pats’ fans. If I didn’t see him or Commissioner Shitbag anymore in my life, I would be a happy man. Oh, and on another Patriots-related note, to the people who think Rob Gronkowski won’t be the best tight end ever, just shut your piehole. If he keeps this up for two or three more seasons, it’s over. He’s the best TE ever. Better than Shannon Sharpe. Better than Tony Gonzalez. Plus, he seems to provide about 90% of the fun off-season news so we need him around to keep our sanity (and be a bit jealous).

OK on to NFL schedule-related matters from a Canadian television standpoint. Here is your NFL TV schedule for this weekend (and Monday):

9:30 Detroit vs. Kansas City (in London) FOX (all of Canada)
1:00 Tampa Bay at Atlanta No TV
1:00 San Diego at Baltimore No TV
1:00 Minnesota at Chicago FOX (Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northwestern Ontario, Western Ontario, K/W-Cambridge, Guelph, Ottawa-Gatineau)/CTV (Winnipeg)
1:00 Arizona at Cleveland FOX (BC, Alberta)/CTV (Vancouver, Alberta, Saskatchewan)
1:00 Tennessee at Houston No TV
1:00 NY Giants at New Orleans FOX (Northern Ontario, Golden Horseshoe, GTA, Peterborough, Kingston, Belleville, Cornwall, Quebec, Eastern Canada)/CTV (Ontario, Montreal, Atlantic)
1:00 Cincinnati at Pittsburgh CBS (BC, Alberta, Northern Ontario, Western Ontario, K/W-Cambridge, Guelph, Ottawa-Gatineau, Cornwall, Quebec, Eastern Canada)/CTV2 (Vancouver Island, Alberta, Ontario, Atlantic)
1:00 San Francisco at St. Louis No TV
4:05 NY Jets at Oakland CBS (Saskatchewan, Alberta, Northwestern Ontario, Golden Horseshoe, GTA, Peterborough, Kingston, Belleville)/CTV2 (Vancouver Island, Alberta, Ontario)
4:25 Seattle at Dallas FOX (all of Canada)/CTV (all of Canada (except Atlantic))/CTV2 (Atlantic)
8:30 Green Bay at Denver NBC/TSN1/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5
8:30 Indianapolis at Carolina TSN1/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5

Only four games not televised this Sunday and they are all basically garbage games. They may end up being great games but there is no way I would go out of my way to watch them with some of the other games on. Also, MORNING NFL FOOTBALL!!!! Suck on that churchgoers. Another game in London. To be honest, I love this…as long as it airs on either CBS or FOX. Soon enough, the way it’s streamed will be done in an awesome way. By that point, none of us will have cable anyway I’m sure. They should do more games like this. How about Germany? They fucking love football. Put a game in Berlin and they’d sell out in a heartbeat. That should be a prerequisite starting next season: every team must play one game in a neutral-site, either during the pre-season or during the regular season. You want to expand the NFL’s reach? That’s a good way to start.

Something else that sticks a bit in my craw (man I am in a ranting mood) is something I got blasted for. I get that it’s Breast Cancer Awareness month. I am all for that. I don’t like the fact they market the shit out of it for financial gain and use very little of the money for actual research but that’s a different debate for a different time. What I had mentioned was that it’s nice there’s a month for breast cancer awareness but where is all the awareness for what I believe is a much bigger problem, and that is mental health? Man did I ever take shit for that. It’s the same with the ALS Challenge from last year. It was great but if you even discussed why money wasn’t going to other charities, you got the stinkeye. I may notice it more because I am personally affected by it, but the disparity between some awareness campaigns and others is astonishing and, to be honest, downright ridiculous. Plus, if you watched college football last night, did you see the Pitt Panthers helmet with the “Pitt” in pink? They looked fucking atrocious.

Some Gambling Stuff and Things

I am off the gambling train (except for doing Lotto Max or 6/49 every so often). It’s not really a money thing but it kind of is a money thing. I detailed before that unless you are all in with ProLine you either won’t win ever or when you do win, it won’t be very much. I don’t feel like agonizing over a choice on a ticket if it will only get me $106. That seems absurd. Anyway here are some picks I would make if I did make them:

  • Cleveland over Arizona.  Yes an upset pick.  This is the game every month where Cleveland up and just plays like a playoff-calibre team.  They act like they are favourites to win their division.  The rest of the time they screw things up so badly that it has become the punchline of many jokes.  And since Zona is so good, this will be the game the Browns win for some odd reason.  Either that or they will lose by 2 points on a missed 25-yard field goal.
  • Pittsburgh over Cincinnati.  No way the Bengals go undefeated.  I think this is where it ends.  Pittsburgh is still a fairly good team, especially if Roethlisberger plays.  And despite the fact Cleveland plays in their division (and Baltimore this season), AFC North divisional games are usually tough, unlike AFC East games which are usually a joke.
  • Green Bay over Denver.  I honestly think it will end up being a Green Bay-New England Super Bowl.  Either that or both these teams will make their respective conference championship games, and one of them loses in a massive upset.  If it’s Green Bay this happens to and the team that upsets them is the Giants, the Patriots should be VERY worried.  Denver is a good team but Peyton Manning is kind of a shell of himself now.  They should win the AFC West but is that really a huge accomplishment for this team?
  • San Diego over Baltimore.  If the Ravens somehow fall to the #1 pick in the 2016 draft, do they pick a quarterback?
  • Detroit and Kansas City to tie. It’s the only scenario that is fair.  These are two of the absolute worst teams in the league.  They should tie.  It should be 0-0.  It wouldn’t be exciting but that’s what these two teams deserve because they have been so awful.

OK for you college football fans, there are three games on the specialty pack tonight. Last night we started a run where the rest of October and almost all of November will have either college football or NFL football. November has turned into the football lover’s dream month for this reason. I will definitely overdose on football over the next four weeks. My PVR is going to hate me. Enjoy the games this weekend!