What the hell is happening in New York? – Week 8 NFL TV Schedule

For once it’s not the Jets causing all sorts of problems in the Big Apple…or more like the big stadium on the side of the highway.  The Giants are a mess.  They are making the Browns look like a well-run franchise.  They are making Jon Gruden look like a shrewd negotiator.   They are a terrible team that seems like they are headed for another season picking in the top two of the NFL Draft.  And it’s not getting any better.  Eli Manning looks done.  Which means their greatest weapon, Odell Beckham Jr., really can’t be used like he should be.  Saquon Barkley has been good but because of all the QB problems, taking him with the #2 selection of last year’s draft looks like a bad idea (despite the fact he should end up as a very good running back).  They are trading guys left and right (Eli Apple and Damon Harrison in the last few days alone).  To be a Giants fan right now would feel pretty shitty.

And there’s no upside until they get a quarterback there.  I can see 2019 being not a whole lot better to be honest until whoever they get (since they are almost assuredly drafting a QB) has most of a season under their belt.  It’s bad times ahead.  I can’t see Beckham waiting around too much longer before demanding he be moved.

Alright time for the schedule which includes the aforementioned New York football Giants:

Sunday Early

Philadelphia vs. Jacksonville (in London) All affiliates
NY Jets at Chicago Minneapolis, Buffalo, Burlington
Cleveland at Pittsburgh Cleveland, Rochester, Boston Saskatchewan
Baltimore at Carolina
Denver at Kansas City Spokane Winnipeg All affiliates
Washington at NY Giants Buffalo, Rochester, Burlington, Boston Toronto, Montreal, Atlantic
Seattle at Detroit Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane, Minneapolis, Detroit BC, Alberta, Northern Ontario, Kitchener, Ottawa
Tampa Bay at Cincinnati

Sunday Late

Indianapolis at Oakland Seattle, Detroit Vancouver Island, Alberta, London, Toronto, Ottawa
Green Bay at LA Rams All affiliates All affiliates (except Atlantic) Atlantic
San Francisco at Arizona

Sunday/Monday Primetime

New Orleans at Minnesota Sunday, 8:30, NBC, TSN 1/3/4/5, CTV Two
New England at Buffalo Monday, 8:30, TSN 1/3/4/5

Random Analysis

  • And another London game.  The chances of me catching any more than a few minutes of it is zero since I will be up late the night before watching college football and will have to squeeze a workout in at some point and probably do some grocery shopping.  God, my life sounds bland.  Anyway, the Eagles and Jag-You-Ares are being shown on all CTV affiliates and the NFL Network at 9:30 Sunday morning.  Why the NFL Network?  Because they are providing the four-man booth for the game.  You read right: FOUR-MAN BOOTH.  It’s going to feel like one of those clown cars in there with those four plus some production staff in there for three hours.
  • Three games in the late window with one being seen in like 50,000 homes in the southwestern United States.  Now that Jimmy G’s season is over, no one gives two shits about the Niners and rightfully so.  And the Cards may even be worse.  This is what you call a lucky break for us, folks.  Imagine having that game foisted upon you?  Ugh.  That would be better marketing for Sunday Ticket.  “If you don’t buy Sunday Ticket, at least 50 million of you will have only one game on in your region and it will be Browns-Giants.  Don’t say we didn’t warn you.”
  • The other two games not being shown are in the early part of the day.  Bucs-Bengals no one probably cares about but Ravens-Panthers is an interesting one between two pretty good teams.  Instead, many of us get Redskins-Giants.  Just a reminder that the Washington Redskins currently lead the NFC East and that lead may grow by the end of the day.  Crazy.  At least one Gruden is doing well.
  • Ho boy, the Bills host New England on Monday night.  This…this might not end well.  However, if at halftime the Bills are in a one-score game, the Twitterverse will be going nuts.  I kind of hope it snows.

Hopefully it’s another fun weekend of football.  I mean when’s the last time it’s been a fully terrible weekend of football when you combine college and pro?  Has that ever happened?  I’m not going to even look.  Enjoy the games everyone!