So….so does this mean we could get THREE teams into the College Football Playoff? The SEC Preview Post.

Covid-19 is serious, SERIOUS shit.  I want to say no one denies this but some do.  They are idiots.  This pandemic has wreaked havoc on a lot of things: small businesses, travel & tourism, me finding work, sports.  And the college football world.  While a few conferences are sitting this one out, the SEC barged straight ahead into this season because it’s FOOTBAW and they wanna play FOOTBAW.  But even SEC schools are cognizant of what is going on and are doing their very best to make sure the virus doesn’t take hold with their football teams (and I guess the rest of the students as well).

Saying all that, the SEC has to be wondering if they could maybe….just maybe….get three schools into the College Football Playoff.  You know they thought that.  It’s evil but it’s true.  Not that it would happen unless you have 2007 chaos everywhere except the SEC.  But if this happened, the college football media would go crazy.  Danny Kanell might choke to death from his turtlenecks being too tight.  Paul Finebaum would have a grin you would not be able to wipe off his face.  Absolute insanity!  But no…it can’t happen.  Right?

This is the first of the conference prediction posts.  Only about a month-and-a-half late but better late than never.  Let’s get right to the predictions followed by some Ponderings Over a Cup of Sweet Tea:

East W L
Florida 8 2
Georgia 7 3
Tennessee 6 4
Kentucky 5 5
Missouri 2 8
South Carolina 2 8
Vanderbilt 1 9
Alabama 9 1
LSU 8 2
Texas A&M 8 2
Auburn 8 2
Mississippi State 3 7
Ole Miss 3 7
Arkansas 0 10

Ponderings Over a Cup of Sweet Tea

  • The SEC is going with a 10-game, conference-only schedule.  This will make it arguably the toughest schedule in the nation.  It’s also why I have none of the teams going undefeated since I can’t see any team, especially losing months of training, being able to run the table in the conference that just means more.  So don’t look all shocked that I have Bama going 9-1.  They are still winning the SEC West so cool down.
  • And yes, I have Florida at the top of the East.  Again, calm down, there’s a reason here.  With Jamie Newman deciding to forgo the season, the Bulldogs look very iffy on offense and could struggle most of the season.  The only other team that’s close here is Tennessee but the Vols could surprise many in this odd season.
  • The Tide are going to have a lot of competition at the top of the SEC West.  LSU, TAMU and Auburn are all serious College Football Playoff contenders but unfortunately they had the audacity to be in the same division as the Alabama Crimson Tide.  What assholes.  I can’t see LSU doing what they did last year considering how many players they lost to the draft and graduation but if they can find another good quarterback, watch out.  I mean it is Coach O after all.
  • Who the hell did Arkansas piss off to get that schedule?  Poor Sam Pittman is going to be lucky to be even close to a win with what he is seeing in 2020.  Good lord.
  • Kentucky will not be as good as they were last season.  Not a chance.  You don’t lose a Josh Allen and a Benny Snell and expect to be just as good unless your team starts with A and ends in labama Crimson Tide.  This is what I wrote in last year’s preview.  Same thing this year although you can replace Josh Allen and Benny Snell with Lynn Bowden Jr.  That’s it.
  • So will Auburn end up finally shitcanning Gus Malzahn since everyone seems to want it to happen?  No.  They won’t.  I mean if they do they are idiots.  Same goes with Jimbo Fisher at College Station.  Not gonna happen.
  • Bowl teams?  Who the hell knows.  I don’t know the criteria anymore so until my final college football prediction post I won’t bother talking about them.  Hopefully by that point someone has an idea of what will happen.
  • I have Florida facing Alabama in the SEC Championship which I assume will be in Atlanta.  I got the Tide winning this one and heading to whatever the College Football Playoff will end up looking like.  Again, I will get to all the bowl season nonsense in a later post since, from going through it myself, figuring it out requires knowledge of Advanced Calculus I think.

Alright finally got the first conference done!  Better late than never.  Next up will be the Sun Belt, who should get more prominent timeslots this season.

Tomorrow is the first Saturday of FBS college football.  It’s not many games but it’s some so I am psyched for it.  Soon enough we will have mostly full Saturdays to do nothing but watch college football and be very unproductive…if you call watching college football unproductive which I certainly don’t!  Have a great long weekend everyone!

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